pre-finished vs. unfinished hardwood flooring

Hardwood flooring is a great investment that will increase the value of your home. Although both flooring options of pre-finished and unfinished wood flooring will add beauty and character to your living space, deciding between the two can be difficult.

To make the decision-making process a lot easier, we have provided you with some important information that will help you decide whether pre-finished or unfinished hardwood flooring is right for your space.

Unfinished Hardwood Flooring

Unfinished flooring is delivered raw and finished on site. It is recommended if you're doing major renovations or building a new home. Here, sanding, staining, and finishing are done after the flooring has been installed. With contractors tromping around with tools and equipment, you'll have peace of mind knowing that your floor won't get damaged during the process. With pre-finished flooring, however, you'll have to take steps to protect your floor from damage.

Unfinished hardwood floors can be customized to feature unique patterns and inlays. It can also be stained to give you the specific stain color you prefer. This is especially beneficial for homeowners who are looking to match their new flooring to their existing flooring.

Pre-finished Hardwood Flooring

Pre-finished flooring has the finish applied to it before it arrives at your door. It costs more initially as compared to unfinished flooring, but it's actually a lot less expensive if you factor in the fees associated with on-site finishing. Since the finish is applied during manufacturing, it allows you to save money on labor cost.

With pre-finished flooring, installation can be completed within a few hours. Homeowners don't have to wait for days or even weeks to move their furniture back into the room. You can even walk on your new floor immediately.

Pre-finished flooring means less mess. You don't have to deal with noise, fumes, dust and that accompany the on-site finishing process.

Pre-finished floors are not just convenient and easy to install, they are also more durable. They will stay looking new for longer because they have a better finish than what contractors can apply on-site. In most cases, pre-finished floors come with a lifetime warranty, which makes it a worthy investment.

Do you want to know more about your flooring options with pre-finished vs. unfinished hardwood? Contact Denver Carpet and Flooring today for a free quote and our professional services right here in Denver.